Appart from the obvious hardware internals, the PC is inside a briefcase. Yes, and small briefcase, with 4 vent holes in the top! I will upload some pictures of it later...
Meantime, since its nice and compact, i have been thinking of making it mostly wireless. Its already wireless network connected. But i was looking at keyboards and mouse.
Now im not overclocker expert etc, but i wanted something nice, affordable and not blowing stupid amounts of money away.
Most of the reviews i have read seem to say its good, and isnt cheap enough to miss key or mouse lag. So we'll have to see,...as Leni has a hateous for cables trailing over the floor, and it wasnt until i started getting tangled myself i decided wireless could be the best option!
Quite a compact setup you have there. (I like the way the video card is mounted on the lid of the briefcase)
Out of curiousity, do you have an optical drive in there somewhere? Or do you use an external USB one?
Hiya, and thanks for the comment. The HDD is a laptop SATA drive, there is no CD rom, thats basically networked to a shared DVD ROM Drive on a laptop elsewhere in the living room :)
It's aimed at being low wattage consumption
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