So roughly, thats 1 level per night, each night 4 1/2 hours of leveling. DONE!!
Im relieved that i ts now out of the way, which leaves the rest of the week now before the reset to concentrate on gear from heroics and the missing bits or crafted armour like rings and a necky. The titansteel was all done within 1 hour, with the help of Micke. Theres not much point in buying anything from the Ah thats expensive at the moment, with 3.2 on the way, its time to prepare a 5 man team (loosely) for the day it goes live. Meantime its worth getting whatever gear is available from the 5 mans to cap the defense. Last night with only the titansteel and some tempered Saronite armour i think i managed 520 or something, but im ungemmed and unenchanted also (except the shield) .
Need to get into the Son's of Hodir rep, and Head enchant folk as a priority now. Bt things are looking good so far.
Thanks Guys
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