Cold Weather flying was bought up, as i had to do the Feryn quest line to get the Ding! And i kept thinking to myself, have i run out of rested bonus or forgot to put my Shoulders on, but until this very second....i just realised what was missing...the realm exp buff from WinterGrasp! Ahwell, that will be why lol. But i was scratching my head thinking, "damn! im sure something is missing"
Already the trash selling and quest rewards on Nad has the Bag funds upto 580g (not including Garland's) after the cold flying buyout. My leveling guide peaked out at S'Basin, and i have made a leap over to K3 to start the quest line for Son's of Hodir ASAP, once thats done i'll assess Rep with enchant factions and work from there. And then stop, and pile into Evil Nads mining with a vengence, and Artemís "Herbalisim" and Daily farming. Thats the plan anyway..just have to get to that level 80 as soon as i can.
But for now, 1 level per evening is nearly slipping out of my grasp.
3 levels to go - StormPeaks and Icecrown left (With some Zul Drak Quests remaining)
That means Sunday 19th July? as a goal.
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