At that point, i moved back into Zul Drak and started cleaning up my loose ends with quests. Seemed easier now just to put carbonite on Auto trak itself and then follow the arrow arround. Its now friday, and i have noticed that the background downloader trigger last night..3.2 is looming, so the timing was just right. I havent taken much notice of the gear for dps on the way through all these quests, and will have to stick pawn back on to i can quickly check upgrades and downgrades. Most of the time i fling the blue stuff on without thinking.
Reputation Enchants - Argent Dawn i believe was the head enchant for tanks, and then of course the Son's of Hodir for the shoulder enchant. Then
theres the exalted tanking gear from each faction, ...BUT i have the enchant rep for the TBC tanking enchants, which will do as a fill in, so its NOT that immediately important at the moment. And then theres the crafted tanking gear which i will have to request to be made (again).

I will have to sort out a routine for Son's of Hodir rep, and wear the tabbard of the Dawn as a habit.
Gold is now back at the level it was (not bad for 2 days work) and a little more (Garland =860g) and (Nad= 580g) before i bought cold weather flying. I will consolidate both funds together and start Garland off with 100g again. Total would be about 1300g, with the weekend coming up its ideal timing, ....again. Another 600g in the next few days would be helpfull with the crafting side of gear for the guild bank if i could deposit 2k into it. I'd say 2k, for covering the armour, rings, cloak and anything else i can think of (enchants & gems). The gear is crafted by matts created by the guild and sold to any member half the price of the AH. So when would the right timing be for that? probably today actually...with it being the weekend, and no raids scheduled, so i'll have to set that in motion later today.
Gold is now back at the level it was (not bad for 2 days work) and a little more (Garland =860g) and (Nad= 580g) before i bought cold weather flying. I will consolidate both funds together and start Garland off with 100g again. Total would be about 1300g, with the weekend coming up its ideal timing, ....again. Another 600g in the next few days would be helpfull with the crafting side of gear for the guild bank if i could deposit 2k into it. I'd say 2k, for covering the armour, rings, cloak and anything else i can think of (enchants & gems). The gear is crafted by matts created by the guild and sold to any member half the price of the AH. So when would the right timing be for that? probably today actually...with it being the weekend, and no raids scheduled, so i'll have to set that in motion later today.
Dis-enchanting my T4 and T5 badge rewards..Its going to hurt, but if fok in TBC who did Black Temple have replaced their gear around Naxx level, its time to re-think what im doing hanging onto them. It might also be my 600g im looking for too.
Respeccing Not entirely sure when to respec as tank, i did think on the 5 minute of dinging 80, and probably still will. I did have a fleeting thought of respeccing at 79, but then that would kill the leveling to 80, so maybe not such a good idea after all.

Patch 3.2 Naxx? Well, lets have a think. Emblems now turn into a global currency, which can buy Conquest items..Heroic Dailies also drop these Emblems...And i want to catchup as quick as possible? I am below the current gear level of the guild at the moment. Will folk be inspired to goto Naxx with the emblem change? I dont know...some are sick of Naxx already, which is why we moved to Uldar. I may have to pug, but a 10 man will do. But i have a joker up my sleeve, and in a typical Tenacious Nad style i already have a backup plan should the guild decline the invitation ;)
A great and a small addon i use regarding the tabards and that i posted on the guild forum as well (might have been lost now) is "TabardsChampion" from http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11921-TabardChampion.html#info
Its easy to use and you will never forget to change your tabard again.
Ahh, i will have a look at that Micke, thanks!!
I think its likely we'll start doing naxx + OS/FlameLeviathan again as we wont make any progress in ulduar at the moment without "forcing" an experienced + geared team. getting loads of badges and some gear from naxx will help a lot, and it'll be more fun to actually kill bosses for a while
Also - all heroics drop the good tokens, the daily one drops an even better one :P (T8 from heroics, T9 from daily)
You'll get more emblems per hour from Heroics than Naxx. Shame in a way, you'd think raiders would get some benefit.
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