I played a tank warrior for some guildies in 5 mans, and tbh that didn’t work out too well. But that’s a comparison to the paladin tank which I think is very unfair. If I had to toss two comparisons together and ask which of the 2 classes I would tank with, I would say paladin. Truth of it is, I hate the rage, I hate the taunt limited range and the lack of Crowd AE CC control. But that’s just something I take for granted. Maybe I thought it would be easier to gear being a warrior? Who knows. But hats off to those warriors who are tanks, and I can appriecate how difficult and challenging (and rewarding) it is. For me the paladin has a MASS of utility in tanking, and saved by the button skills. And that works well for me to plug gaps in group configs, CC and healing. The warrior is very focused, and my style is more jack of all trades, ...master of none, and i like that, that appeals to me.
My alt is and will remain my faithfull dancing Kahir. Which is my, "Remove brain and autoshoot and chat" character. As Nad is full 375 enchanting for the guilds benefit, im looking to Kahir as my gatherer, atm with herbalism, and Mining, I do wonder is Jewelcrafting wouldn’t be better? So I guess at the end of this story is, Nadiastorm will be my main original character for WOTLK.
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