Thursday 8 May 2008

Not sure how to broach this subject without contradicting myself.

I have added an arena chest piece to my to get list...Sacrales asked if i was interested in giving the arena a go, and tbh i had alot of fun. played 10, lost 1, but this was completely new to us. The alternative is the cheaper one at 1,630 arena points, being the Merciless Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece

The chest piece looks like the best thing i can get pre BT, if im not including a boss i cant remember the name of that has a chest piece with more hit rating on it.

AP is up to 1900+ after i respecced to include improved might, and some additional talents in the ret tree. And so far the difference has been very noticable, both in PVP and PVE.

We have ZA tonight, and hope to see what difference is made with the changes made so far..

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