My own waiting time has been reduced from 2 hours, down to 1 hour, and they have implimented a disconnect relog feature that skips you out of the Q and striaght back into the game..awsome!!

As you can see, there are similar thngs to warcraft. However there is a addition work order quest, which the NPC provides you with a item to make unvaluable things like underwear..helps to increase your profession level also, although i have started it yet! but i will give details of it later. However you can fail to craft something, apparently also at top level too, to make rare items, but i will confirm that later.
Crafted items also are more prominant relative to your level, and more practical to you in the here and now, rather than the warcraft system of tailoring crap until you get to the level cap epic items. You can only use your profession (IE create something) by going to the capital and using the loom, or Anvil (Like warcraft)

When i started AION, i had a bonus XP item, like i mentioned above, which i have been using to level, its down to its last charge now, but i have made level 15 without much fuss. I havent really being paying attention to the time it takes to level, as im only logged in for maybe 1 or 2 hours a night, so you can get an idea of how long its taken me so far.

Flight is a mis-conception, if you believe you can fly all the time in the world of AION, you cant. Only designated areas where magic resides are flight areas. However you can glide, if you jump and then jump again while in the air. Flight time, whether gliding or not, is limited to 60 seconds. However you can wear items that extend that time by a few seconds more.
The games graphics continue to make me smile though, heres me standing next to one of the city guards.

1 comment:
I love this game and have my own blog following my gameplay at Ashlique's Aion Adventure
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