Ex Paladin Tank Vanilla WoW, Guild Management & Casual Raiding (Ex Tuatha Dé Danann - Khadgar EU), World Of Warcraft now Vanilla Elysium - waiting for Classic
ell yes! Warcraft classic returning on retail. Finally! Word has spread far and wide, my guild included. And there is a definite buzz surrounding this topic at home. With news of this coming to us in August, i logged into Elysium and thought i would try out some classes in preparation. Obviously, i used to be a paladin and this time i decided i would try out the warrior class. So far so good at level 15, and it seems a better experience than i remember levelling the paladin class in comparison, to this point. So there we are, i will be a warrior in Classic WoW. For my alt, i'm undecided on Warlock or Hunter, both of these classes are good solo, for farming Gold and Mats etc, the experiment continues...
So I made it to Crossroads at level 12, one of the iconic areas of warcraft in Vanilla. I have been using Questie and Vanilla Guide addons to assist me questing ingame, as I have never reached this level as a horde before. And having never really adventured as Horde, i need that little bit of guidance.
Leveling so far has been pretty easy, not that I haven't had my share of deaths along the way. I have found a big 2 handed mace better than a mace and shield. Killing something quicker, is better and more efficient than out living it in a fight. I'm pretty sure I am over-due some warrior training too, and I still haven't allocated my talent points yet!
I might go arms spec for a dozen or so levels, I remember fury taking a few more levels to kick in, and saving money would be better spent on 1 weapon rather than two 1 handed?... we'll see
uatha De Danann was and is a great guild, I have lead a few guilds in my gaming experience. And one thing I have learned is "No, don't do it". Even if I wanted to, I do not have the time and resources to be able to setup or maintain one. (however, I would very reluctantly accept an officer role). In all my attempts to re-kindle my love of thegame, one this has been perpetually missing, and that's the community of players who made it, both within the guild and outside it. However, like me, many of the players have moved on.
My aim is to do every dungeon, and explore the Horde world side of WoW. Having spent many years on alliance this will be an interesting and different view of the game I haven't seen yet.
I may raid, I might not, depending on how much time it'll take to get involved in a 40 man raid. I missed the entire 40 man raiding
World PVP
Even though im on a PVE server, there's the old school mind-set that PVE is an option, unlike a PVP server where its PVP always. The old honor system & Ranking of reputation etc, im expecting to get involved in some of it. It was a big thing for me in my early days of warcraft, and like to see it again. When TBR's was in its early days, we would have weekly PVP events to Crossroads, Astranaar or Tarren Mill. Experiencing that world event would bring a little joyful tear to the eye too lol...good times.
Should be able to update later this week, so far I have reach level 11. And im uncertain what talents to take up first.....