Mostly, the above picture is a respec after the Nax run, and my DPS was half of that shown on Recount. Then after some further tweaking, the below is the result ..
There is alot of work gone into Macro's purely for rotations, so everything is neat, and easy to access other abilities. On top of the DPS talents are the core frost tanking abilities also. With TDD advancing, i would constantly playing catch up with the leading tanks. And with the baby almost here, i just dont have the time as i did before to commit some time towards gathering taking gear readily to main tank in Naxx or other places.

Rotation is ... PS -> IT -> BS -> BS -> HB -> (Gargolye / Death Coil)
/castsequence reset=4 Plague Strike, Icy Touch, Blood Strike, Blood Strike, Howling Blast
(If Rime Proc's hit Obliterate)
(With Gargolye on cooldown spam Death Coil to use up your Rune Power. Otherwise hit Gargolye)
/castsequence reset=4 Icy Touch, Pestilence, DeathChill, Howling Blast
Always use the ? icon for the macro, it will auto change the button icon to the spell in the current rotation
nice blog.
I linked this to mine :D
Thank you i will link back to you also :)
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