I was so so loooking forward to this raid, working together with Realm. During the week speaking to Morgim and Baconburger, i was excited for TDD's future in 25 man raiding, purely as both guilds, on paper seemed right for each other to raid. I was so proud of both guilds to be able to come together and work a a seemless team, wipe after wipe and still maintain a great attitude.
It was both a shock and an expectation that we did get HKM down. We had made good progress with the pull, the adds (killing one by one) working to the boss himself. And when he went down, it was a testiment to all individuals skill and presence of mind to stay with it, and get the job done. There is great talent across both guilds, and it looks to be a great future ahead of us both for both guilds. Its very exciting!
The after raid chat with Realm was great, Realm sounded very pleased and excited also about the co-operation raid setup, we worked out some final details like raid sign up's and organisation. So the next raid should be alot more smoother.
Great humour, big smiles, and now im always going to be looking forward to Thursday's
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